Source: index.js

/* jshint esversion: 8 */
 * This callback type is called `requestCallback` and is displayed as a global symbol.
 * @callback requestCallback
 * @param {object} data the data returned from the endpoint
const { URL } = require('url')
const axios = require('axios')
const schedule = require('node-schedule')

const Campaign = require('./lib/campaign')
const TeamCampaign = require('./lib/teamCampaign')
const Cause = require('./lib/cause')
const FundraisingEvents = require('./lib/fundraisingEvents')
const Team = require('./lib/team')
const User = require('./lib/user')
const Webhook = require('./lib/webhook')

class TiltifyClient {
  // Self-referential to split the subclass this and the client this... since it's not an extended class cant use 'super'
  parent = this

   * A TiltifyClient contains all of the sub-types that exist on the Tiltify API
   * @param {string} clientID The Client ID that you got from Tiltify.
   * @param {string} clientSecret The Client Secret that you got from Tiltify.
   * @constructor
  constructor (clientID, clientSecret) {
    this.#clientID = clientID
    this.#clientSecret = clientSecret
     * this.Campaigns is used to get info about campaigns
     * @type Campaign
    this.Campaigns = new Campaign(this)
     * this.TeamCampaign is used to get info about team campaigns
     * @type TeamCampaign
    this.TeamCampaigns = new TeamCampaign(this)
     * this.Causes is used to get info about causes
     * @type Cause
    this.Causes = new Cause(this)
     * this.FundraisingEvents is used to get info about fundraising events
     * @type FundraisingEvents
    this.FundraisingEvents = new FundraisingEvents(this)
     * this.Team is used to get info about a team
     * @type Team
    this.Team = new Team(this)
     * this.User is used to get info about a user
     * @type User
    this.User = new User(this)
     * this.Webhook is used to get info, subscribe, and manage webhooks
     * @type User
    this.Webhook = new Webhook(this)

   * Generate access key and fully initialize the client
  async initialize () {
    await this.generateKey()

   * Set the API key manually, this also disables the refresh checker.
   * Primarily used for testing
   * @param {string} key API key
  setKey (key) {
    this.apiKey = key

   * Generate an access token to call the api, recursively calls itself when regenerating keys
   * @param {int} attempt Attempt counter, for spacing out retries
  async generateKey (attempt = 1) {
    const url = `${this.#clientID}&client_secret=${this.#clientSecret}&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=public webhooks:write`
    const options = {
      method: 'POST'
    try {
      const payload = await axios(options)
      if (payload.status === 200) {
        this.apiKey =
        const expDate = new Date(new Date( + ( * 1000)) // Date token will have to be regenerated at, based on supplied expired time
        // Schedule renew job, recursively call this function
        this.#schedule = schedule.scheduleJob(expDate, function () {
        return this.apiKey
      } else {
        // Schedule renew job to try again, recursively call this function
        const currentDate = new Date()
        const retryDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + (5000 * attempt)) // Add 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) * attempt count
        this.#schedule = schedule.scheduleJob(retryDate, function () {
          this.generateKey(attempt + 1)
    } catch (error) {
      return Promise.reject(error)

   * _doRequest does a single request and returns the response.
   * Normally this is wrapped in _sendRequest, but for some
   * endpoints like Campaigns.getRecentDonations(id) need to send
   * only a single request. This function is not actually called in
   * the TiltifyClient, and is passed down to each of the types.
   * @param {string} path The path, without /api/.
   * @param {string} method HTTP method to make calls with, default to GET
   * @param {Object} payload JSON payload to send
  async _doRequest (path, method = 'GET', payload) {
    if (!this.parent.apiKey) {
      console.error('tiltify-api-client ERROR Client has not been initalized or apiKey is missing')
    const url = `${path}`
    const options = {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.parent.apiKey}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    if (payload) { = JSON.stringify(payload)
    try {
      const payload = await axios(options)
      return payload
    } catch (error) {
      return Promise.reject(error)

   * _sendRequest is used for all endpoints, but only has a recursive
   * effect when called againt an endpoint that contains a `metadata.after` string
   * @param {string} path The path, without /api/public/
   * @param {function} callback A function to call when we're done processing.
  async _sendRequest (path, callback) {
    let results = []
    let keepGoing = true
    while (keepGoing) {
      const response = (await this.parent._doRequest(path)).data
      if ( !== undefined &&
        response.metadata !== undefined &&
        response.metadata.after !== undefined &&
        response.metadata.after !== null
      ) {
        const url = '' + path // Combine the base URL and path
        const urlObj = new URL(url) // Create a URL object
        urlObj.searchParams.set('after', response.metadata.after) // Set the 'after' query parameter
        const updatedPath = urlObj.pathname.replace('/', '') + // Get the updated path with query parameters. Remove first /
        path = updatedPath
      } else {
        keepGoing = false
      results = results.concat(
      if ( === 0 || response.metadata?.after == null) {
        keepGoing = false
module.exports = TiltifyClient